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 Taking a break

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Posts : 13
Join date : 2013-04-16

Taking a break Empty
PostSubject: Taking a break   Taking a break EmptyMon Jun 10, 2013 7:31 am

Hey guys, as you know I've just got back from a long break. Since being back I've struggled to find anything to do and I get bored after being online for even an hour, so I've decided to indefinitely take a break. I may pop back sporadically, and I'm gonna let Popper use my character if anyone needs my epic RDM skillz.

Really I only want to play in the daytime and the insociable hours make it difficult for me to make it to events and it's mostly events that I play for. Guys, I've just turned 20, I'm going senile and even 10pm (5est) events are hard for me to stay awake for, and I'm not really finding the game enjoyable anymore. Maybe i'm just in a slump, in which case I may suddenly get the urge to get back on soon (so no giving my lewts away yet Popper) but I have this sad feeling that, honestly, I'm just not playing for the game anymore, just the people.
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Posts : 8
Join date : 2013-04-18

Taking a break Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking a break   Taking a break EmptyMon Jun 10, 2013 6:29 pm

Sad Crying or Very sad Sad Crying or Very sad Sad Crying or Very sad Sad Crying or Very sad

I'm sorry to hear that Jade but I can totaly understand it.

Enjoy your time off and of course I hope you find the joy off FF again and come back! (without you the LS is way more quiet Razz )
Maybe someday we can start some Events to mor EU friendly times and then you HAVE to come back ^^

Till then i wish you all the best and lots of fun!
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