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 Subjob Quest tonight. 8:30PM EST

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Posts : 16
Join date : 2013-04-24
Age : 46
Location : Belding, Michigan

Subjob Quest tonight. 8:30PM EST Empty
PostSubject: Subjob Quest tonight. 8:30PM EST   Subjob Quest tonight. 8:30PM EST EmptyFri Apr 26, 2013 12:09 am

Hey guys/gals. Tonight I am going to be doing the subjob quest. If anybody has a level 18 that they would like to party up with and get it done I will be on tonight around 8PM EST, I will wait by the San d'Oria auction house and at 8:30 will head out to Selbina to start the quest. If anybody wants to come along let me know, if nobody shows up or sends a message on the forum I will head out on my own exactly at 8:30PM EST.
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Subjob Quest tonight. 8:30PM EST
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